Spirit AeroSystems Composite Center

Kinston, 北 Carolina

An aerostructures manufacturer requires expansive scale.

当精神航空系统公司(Spirit AeroSystems)邀请哈斯凯尔(澳门足彩app)建立一家工厂,为空客a -350制造大型结构复合飞机部件时, key project details were still under development. One variable that was already clear? 这个62.5万平方英尺的设施将容纳世界上最大的高压灭菌器之一.

Our flexible design adapted to emerging requirements.

Along with the autoclave, 获得leed认证的工厂将拥有两个总共170个洁净室,000 square feet, all cleaned and cooled by more than 3,000 tons of chillers, cooling towers and humidification systems. 结构框架建筑及其绝缘金属板围护结构完全受环境控制,需要大量的管道, gas and electrical requirements.

The successful facility is already primed for growth.

集成的设计-构建交付允许设计和构建团队满足已知的和紧急的需求, maintain aggressive schedules and restrain the project budget. 精心规划的结构也很容易支持未来的扩张.

  • 315英亩的总体规划场地包含625,200平方英尺,单层结构,净高42英尺
  • Facility is fully environmentally controlled
  • 利用回收或当地材料的建筑内容近50%
  • 2010年杰出建筑奖-相关建筑商及承建商
  • Leed Certification Logo
  • LEED® Silver Certified – 33 points
  • Master Planned for Growth – Building and airport runway properly aligned; Accommodates utility disruptions due to expansions; Additional loading capacities in foundations and structure
  • Alternative Transportation – bicycle racks, 淋浴, 储物柜, changing facilities, and preferred parking for high-efficiency vehicles
  • 热岛效应-浅色屋顶和混凝土铺装改善小气候
  • 外部照明-锐利的截止灯具设计消除了光线对相邻属性的侵入
  • 节约用水:该设施利用灌溉系统,减少了60%的饮用水消耗.低流量的小便池和厕所减少了33%的饮用水使用量.3%
  • Energy Savings – High-efficiency HVAC equipment, 增加d insulation, motion sensor lighting, 而高效电机的生产和估计节省了14的能源成本.9%
  • Materials – Recycled over 90% of construction waste. 40% of building materials came from recycled content. 超过44%的建筑材料来自当地(500英里以内)的材料
  • 室内环境-粘合剂中使用的低挥发性有机化合物(VOC, 密封剂, 油漆, 涂料, carpet and flooring.
Vice President & Division Leader – 航空 & 航空航天 Manufacturing

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澳门足彩app不断在方法和设计上进行创新,以最大限度地降低成本并加快进度. 澳门足彩app在处理紧急需求时表现出一种“找到一种方法”的态度来满足这些需求."

Interior of Spirit AeroSystems Composite Center. Large industrial room with green, yellow and white rafters.

澳门足彩app不断在方法和设计上进行创新,以最大限度地降低成本并加快进度. 澳门足彩app在处理紧急需求时表现出一种“找到一种方法”的态度来满足这些需求."

Interior of Spirit AeroSystems Composite Center. Large open room with fluorescent lighting.

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