The Tank Cleaning and Testing building is shown on the right, 中心是表面涂层设施(SCF)和轨道发射系统(OLS)制造大楼. 澳门足彩app构建了这三个结构.


设计、’s Flexibility was on Full Display at Rocket Test Facility

澳门足彩app designers began before Blue Origin knew its needs. 建设 teams made changes from field drawings. 他们按预算提前完工.


在火箭科学成为将人和机器送入太空的严格学科之前, 这是科幻小说. 虽然蓝色起源公司计划在梅里特岛的火箭工厂园区建造一个储罐清洁和测试(TCAT)大楼, 佛罗里达, weren’t some fanciful galivant through the cosmos, 其中包括许多未知因素,这些问题必须在施工过程中解决.


In 2015, Blue Origin chose 澳门足彩app for a series of projects, 包括TCAT, which would be only the second facility of its kind in the world.

“他们知道他们需要一栋大楼, 但他们并不知道自己到底需要什么,大卫·舍宁说, 公共设施设计总监, 谁是这个项目的设计经理. “They were still very much working on their program and what their needs were. 我们开始设计的时候,他们还在写程序和他们的标准.”

One of the significant advantages of design-build project delivery is speed, and Blue Origin chose 澳门足彩app because of its reputation for just that. 有一个预期的发射时间表, 火箭制造商希望该设施的测试能力尽快上线,因为它开发了新格伦重型运载火箭 轨道 运载火箭.

舍宁说:“他们雇用我们是为了速度快,在他们知道自己需要什么之前,我们就开始了。. “They literally needed to be in the building as soon as possible. 我了解到,火箭设计是迭代的. You don't usually get it right the first time you test.”

The 224-foot-tall TCAT structure was built to withstand hurricane-force winds.


将在该设施进行的测试将复制火箭在发射和推进穿过大气层时所经历的极端压力. 224英尺高的TCAT结构可以承受外部的飓风和内部的多向力,以适应严格的测试.

TCAT strained the limits of existing soil conditions, 所以澳门足彩app的结构工程师, 岩土工程咨询公司, 中小企业和承包商的结论是,需要在建筑物基础以下90英尺的深度安装322个刚性内含物系统,以防止塔楼下沉或倾斜.

The final construction consisted of 9-foot and 7-foot mat foundations, , 3,500吨结构钢, 七个钢制t台, 外部电梯, 多个公用设施和一个暖通空调系统. 它有三个机库门, 其中一个高112英尺,宽45英尺, 还有两只鹤, the taller of which reached a hook height of 205 feet with a capacity of 100 tons.

However, the final construction resembled the original vision only conceptually. 即:

  • The building was initially envisioned as a 200-foot-tall outdoor stand, which is the way most other companies test tanks. Blue Origin decided to enclose it because of the climate, variable weather conditions and long durations of some tests. 它还增加了20英尺的建筑高度.
  • After design was complete, the client added 外部电梯. 澳门足彩app的建筑与工程(AE)团队与一家德国电梯公司合作,设计了一台提升高度为170英尺、载重量为3英尺的电梯,300磅.
  • 设计师在整个项目中加入了六个现场订单,以捕捉其他业主指导的变化, 包括新的t台和楼梯平台,需要对钢结构进行修改,增加休息室空间和重新布线公用设施.



甚至变量都是带变量的. 因为它没有单一的联系点,蓝色起源的变化来自许多利益相关者. 进一步, requests frequently changed in response to revised testing criteria, which evolved until the project reached completion.

So how did the project finish under budget and three months early?

“这是我们的基因. 我们总是努力为客户超额交付,”高级项目经理Ivan Robles说.

TCAT came several structures into the Blue Origin campus, 因此,澳门足彩app的项目团队知道灵活性和协作的必要程度,并且能够利用现有的关系.

舍宁和他的设计师们与客户代表开了一个座谈会,尽可能多地推断出信息. 他们经常举行会议,介绍他们的工作,并在火箭计划进行时获得最新消息.

“当我们得到标准时,我们总是会说,‘好吧,我们需要多少保证金? 我们要不要把空间弄大一点,以适应情况的变化?’”舍宁说. “我们灵活地与他们合作. 我们尽量不超支,但为了对冲我们的赌注,如果我们认为将来可能有用,就增加一点:门的尺寸, 天花板的高度, 起重机能力, 等.”

设计师之间的广泛合作, builders and project owners is a hallmark of 澳门足彩app projects, 但它从来没有像现在这样关键. The field team sometimes had to implement changes before design documents were issued. Constant communication enabled fast action as conditions evolved.


“From the construction aspect, we were able to stay ahead of the game,罗伯斯说. “We were able to establish a good relationship with the stakeholders. 基本上, 我们的方法是, “告诉我, 你想要完成什么, 然后我才能告诉你, 从建筑的角度看, 我能做什么. 然后我们可以看看它是否现实.’”

Indeed, Blue Origin partnered with 澳门足彩app to keep the project moving. 有时,这意味着要让蓝色起源继续运转.

“When you're dealing with stakeholders that are rocket scientists, they like to test their procedures 20 or 30 times until they get it perfect,罗伯斯说. “在建筑业,我们负担不起. So, we had conversations with the client to understand the end goal. 然后,我们可以讨论如何在现场以一种实际和经济有效的方式做到这一点. 看起来很简单, but we were able to create a trusted relationship with the main stakeholders, 他们会听我们的.”

这种信任促使蓝色起源聘请哈斯克尔设计建造另一个相同类型的设施, 绰号“2只猫”, 在同一园区进行额外的测试操作,进一步加快他们的发射计划进度.

解决复杂的建筑, 工程 and construction projects with expertise and imagination is what we do. 澳门足彩app 讨论您的设施需求.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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